In the year 20XX, Charge City, the prodigy of robotics, Thomas Light, creates two robots known as Rock and Roll. These two are his children, the plan is to see how well humans can accept robots as part of their civilization. 

To assist this process, the twins get state of the art AIs, allowing them to think and act nearly identically to a human. And with that, they are sent to school with one mission. To live life.

That is, until a strange robot named Bass appears, sending Dr. Light's industrial robots into a frenzy with the "Clef Virus"- a virus that drives robots to do nothing but wreak havoc and cause chaos.

Seeing their siblings do such vile things, Rock and Roll plead their father to make them stronger, make them able to bring their siblings to their senses. With a heavy heart, He complies.

He gives Rock a new, upcoming weapon type; the Buster. Able to compress his solar energy into tangible bullets, this model is called the Mega Buster, turning him into Mega Man.

He gives Roll a weapon/anti-virus hybrid in an energy sword form; called a Saber. In one mode, she can disable internal mechanisms; in the other, she can enter a robot's programming and help them escape from the Clef Virus. This model is called the Wish Saber, turning her into Wish Woman.

Alongside their main weapons, they're both equipped with Copy Chips, items that copy the weapon schematics of their brethren, allowing them to skillfully use robot weaknesses against them.

In their quest for robot and human harmony, things take a turn for the worse as the Clef Virus ignites a fear of robots in the populace, which leads to robots resenting their human companions.

Will there ever truly be peace between humans and robots? Just who is Bass? And what does Wily have to do with all of this?

Find out... when the series actually gets made!